Maths for early years

Domino Easter Eggs
Domino Mats - Easter
Match the domino to the numeral egg. Includes cut outs & table sign

Chocolate Easter Cakes
Use with small loose part eggs for the children to ‘add’ to the cake to find the answer
Table sign & cut outs included

Stack the Carrots
Stack the Carrot mats - use with orange and green multilink/unifix cubes
Stack the tower of cubes on top of number sentence
Table sign and cut outs included

Easter Addition Match
Easter themed subitising/addition mat. Add the objects and match to the correct numeral card
Table sign & cut outs included

Odd or Even?
You can’t share if you sit on the chair!
Use this activity with Numicon pieces and small world figures (such as moblio or duplo) for the children to check if they can ‘sit’ on the chair (top of the numicon)
If they can’t sit, the number can’t be shared and is therefore odd. It is a fun and engaging way for the children to explore odds and evens. See my Instagram for an example of how to use
Odds and Evens sorting sheet
Number cut outs 1-10
Table Sign
Speech bubble - ‘You can’t share if you sit on the chair!’

Easter Basket Ten Frames
10 frame Easter Basket
Addition Eggs
Blank eggs (write your own numbers)
Table sign

Spring Tens Frames - Bonds to Ten
Alternative version of the natural spring tens frames - 1 frame to represent each bond to 10 (e.g. 1+9)
Includes a version with space for the children to use loose parts to find the bond - e.g. frame just shows 4 flowers, children add 6 objects to the frame
Flower cut outs
Table sign

Spring Ten Frames
A lovely set of Spring Flower tens frames. Two of each number (1-10) to represent a number sentence
There is also a blank frame you can use with loose parts
Flower cut outs

Hop Little Bunnies
A lovely Spring fine motor board. Print on A4 or A3 and use with beads for the children to cover the circles
Cut outs and table sign

Measure the Worms
Measure the worm boards… use with multilink cubes or loose parts for the children to count & measure
Worm cut outs
Table sign

Animal Shape Boards
4 Shape Boards (triangle, circle, square, rectangle) with a variety of animals
A fab way to merge maths and writing together
Laminate for children to use post it notes to label the animals or can write lists of what they can see
Discs included
Table sign included

How Many Bees?
Add the bees to the hive - use addition prompt cards to support
Hive mats
Bee cut outs for counting
Addition discs
Table sign

Draw the Flowers
2 sheets with different representations (1-6 & 5-10) for the children to draw the number of flowers in the vase
Flower cut outs
Table sign

Busy Bees
Match the bees…
Numeral flower mat (5-10)
Bee cut outs with tower representations
Table sign
Flower cut outs

Double Trouble - Stacking
Doubling Stack Sheet - Use multilink cubes to find the double for each number
Includes doubling prompt cards, number discs, stack cut outs and a table sign

Write the Doubles
Write the Doubles
Flower Wheelbarrow Writing Mat (laminate or use with reusable pockets for chn to write on with whiteboard pens)
Butterfly Double Cut Outs - 1-8
Butterfly Double Cut Outs - 1-8 one side blank (use with buttons/loose parts)
Table sign